Protection of personal data

Here at Génération Robots, we want to build long lasting relationships with our partners and customers, that are based on transparency. This webpage’s aim is to list our commitments to protect our clients’ personal data, in accordance with the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

What is personal data?

“Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (e.g. social security number, name and first name, date of birth, biometrics data, fingerprints, DNA…)” Source CNIL Personal data may also include unique digital trackers such as IP address (computer), MAC address (mobile device), as well as cookies.

How do we collect or receive your personal data?

Data can be collected in different ways:

Directly, when:

  • You set up your account on our website
  • You contact us
  • You subscribe to our newsletter
  • You use the robots or applications we distribute
  • You make a purchase on our website.

Indirectly through cookies, that we use to look at how our clients are browsing on our website. Feel free to read our Cookies Policy, that we wrote to help you better understand how we use Cookies and Google Analytics.

On our data forms, the mandatory fields are labelled with an asterisk. We need these field’s information for the following reasons:

  • To fulfil the contract that was created between Génération Robots and our clients (e.g. being able to deliver the ordered products)
  • To honour a service that you requested from us (e.g. sending you a newsletter);

Regulatory compliance (for accounting purposes, mainly) Failing to fill in the fields marked with an asterisk may impact our ability to deliver you products and services.

What are your rights?

  1. Right to rectify your data
  2. Right to be forgotten: permanent removal of your personal information
  3. Right to portability: data transfer to another organization or competitor
  4. Right to object: stop Génération Robots from continuing to process your personal data. There are only certain situations when a legitimate right to object can be sent to a company.
  5. Right of access: data controllers are required to provide data subjects a copy of their processed personal data upon request.

In compliance with GDPR Article 12.6, Génération Robots, the controller, can ask its client to give an ID proof before being allowed to exercise any of the above rights. We inform you that the data used to prove your identity will be deleted once we have answered your request.

You can exercise these rights by sending an e-mail in French, English or German. You can also write to us at the following address:

Génération Robots – Complaints Departement
Personal Data
1 Rue Pierre-Georges Latécoère - 33700 Mérignac

We must reply to any request related to the exercise of your rights within 1 month. This deadline may be extended by two months, if the request is a complex one or if we receive a lot of these requests at the same time. Finally, you have the right to file a complaint on the CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty) website.

Cookies management policy

The cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or device when you visit a website, that allows the latter to remember you. We use cookies to facilitate your navigation. They can be used to tell our website that you are connected and that it should display some customized content. The information collected by the cookies are about you (e.g. time spent on our website, country) or your device settings.

Generation Robots website uses different types of cookies:

Mandatory cookies:

These cookies are required for the smooth running of our website and they do not store any identification information.

Performance cookies:

These cookies allow us to collect statistics on our website traffic and navigation in order to optimize ergonomics, navigation and content. We use Google Anlaytics platform to collect and analyse our website's metrics (read How Google uses cookies Privacy & Terms Google?).